Saturated vapor pressure Pv is closely related to temperature
The occurrence of flash evaporation is determined by the process and is inevitable!
Factors affecting the degree of valve damage under flash evaporation conditions
Saturated vapor pressure Pv is closely related to temperature
Markco determined through experiments:
High recovery (low recovery coefficient)
Valves are more prone to cavitation
Choose a valve structure with high recovery coefficient FL
Through strict calculation, increase the reasonable number of step-down stages
Reasonable selection of valve materials
Markco's unique multi-stage hole design
C-III Single-Stage Cavitation Hole
C-III Two-Stage Cavitation Hole
C-III Three-Stage Cavitation Hole
C-III Four-Stage Cavitation Hole
C-IV Cavitation Plug
C-III/M Plug
C-VII Plug
D-I Plug
D-III Plug
Typical noise-emissions of gas, steam and liquids
Noise Example dBA
Empty Room 40
Office Room 65
Busy Street 85
Spray Injector 125
W-I Cage
W-III Cage
W-III/D Cage